Hotel PanoramAs you may have noticed, I was recently in Vegas. I headed to the Big Dirty for Affiliate Summit West 2009, the biggest show in affiliate marketing. Why should you care? Well, for starters, affiliate marketers are so cutting edge, they’ve even figured out how to do things that Twitter hasn’t figured out yet: make money online.

While I was there, I covered a number of sessions for, and now that all four posts have been published, I’d like to take this opportunity to toot my own horn. In total I wrote-up four different sessions:

  1. Offline Affiliate Marketing
  2. Affiliate Videos: Where Do They Work Best?
  3. Ethical Issues in Affiliate Marketing
  4. Mobile Web Opportunities

I also cut some video while I was down there. Most of it won’t be out until next week, but here’s a sneak peak.

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