Ever since Nokia invited me to Helsinki for Open Lab 2008, the mobile web has figured big in my mind. Since then, my mobile coverage has popped up all over the world wide interwebs, and varied from the theoretical to tangible.
But for those of you who don’t spend as much time obsessing about mobile tech, I’ve put together a list of 5 posts to help you get your bearings on both where the mobile web is, and where it’s probably headed. They’re from a variety of places that I blog, and feature text and both original and syndicated video. Enjoy…
- Mobile Communities: Web 3.0 – Social media might have changed the way people interacted online, but the mobile web is going to change how people interact offline, as well.
- Social Mobile Gaming – In the video interview, Akoha founder Austin Hill discusses how Akoha works, and in doing so, illustrates just how the mobile web is going to change the way people interact both online and off.
- Mobile: The Future of Ecommerce – Guess what. The mobile web is going to be for a lot more than just play. It won’t only make money, it’ll move it around, and in this interview, Nokia’s Jeremy Belostock explains how NFC will be used to do that (if you don’t know what NFC is, watch this first).
- Mobile Gaming to Grow Despite Recession – In a nutshell, because mobile services are still approaching critical mass, these sectors will probably continue to show notable growth rates despite the current state of the economy.
- Nokia is Crowd Sourcing Traffic Reports – That NFC technology I just mentioned, well it can be used for a whole lot more than ecommerce, and one of those things is generating traffic reports by aggregating the physical movements of every device and determining where everyone is and how fast they are moving. Big Brother much?
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