This is a lip dub by Julia Allison. It’s interesting because (1) Loren Feldman thinks she’s a gold-digger, (2) she once dated Jakob Lodwick, the founder of Vimeo, a video sharing site that was first publicized by the famous Flagpole Sitta lip dub, and (3) Julia posted this lip dub to the internet using Vimeo which is a slap to Jakob’s face on so many levels. I’m posting it because I like the song…

2 thoughts on “Julia Allison Lip Dub

  1. Dude, I said that I like the song, not the band. It takes me back to when that shit was radio play, which was when I was about half a decade away from puberty, and that my friend appeals to my inner Peter Pan like only a balding twenty-something past the hump of his quarter life crisis can understand…

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