“So what the f**k is a LifeStream?” you ask. Well, simply put, a LifeStream is this thing that geeks who produce stuff on the interwebs in a variety places use to aggregate it all in one place. Why am I telling you this? Well, because I got nominated as one of Canada’s most influential men in social media, and it’s not enough that you all VOTE FOR ME. I also get points by educating the marketplace about social media. Why am I blogging about LifeStreaming, specifically? Because I complained about how flawed this contest’s judging is. So without further ado:
A LifeStream is an RSS feed that aggregates all the other RSS feeds from around the different places that a content-creating-geek publishes their content. Now, if you’re just a content-creating-geek, and not a code-creating-geek, there are a variety of third-party services you can use aggregate your feeds, such as Tumblr. You simply sign up, plug in all your feeds, and stream away to your geeky heart’s content.
I’m using Tumblr to power CT Moore’s LifeStream (that’s me ;) btw). And here’s my Lifestream’s own RSS feed. However, just as Profectio‘s judging criteria is flawed, so is my LifeStream. First, I’m limited to 5 RSS feeds at a time. You can request to that limit bumped up, and I have, but I haven’t heard back from the Tumblr team yet. So some of the RSS feeds I’ve had to leave out are:
- GypsyBandito on YouTube — RSS feed
- GypsyBandito on Blip.tv — RSS feed
- GypsyBandito on Jaiku — RSS feed
Secondly, some of the places I blog don’t have an RSS feed just for me. These places are:
So as with most things human, my LifeStream is imperfect. But I can’t make everything in my own image ;)
And there you have it: the low-down on a LifeStream, and another way to follow everything little thing I do on the world wide interwebs. I know you’ll enjoy following me as much as I do.