“It may be the Devil or it may be the Lord, but you’re gonna have to serve somebody.”
— Bob Dylan

You know when you get that request from your boss or a client, and you’re all like “What the f*ck? Really, dude? You need/want me to do that? Are you f*cking retarded?”
Well, guess what. Your attitude sucks.
The thing is that, whether it’s your boss or your client or your boss’s client, that’s what you get paid to do. As far as they’re concerned, you’re the expert, and they need you to do it, so you’re getting paid to humor them. That;s what you do…
And if the problem is that it’s something so mundane that it hurts you to think that someone else needs help getting it done, and that it only adds insult to injury to think that your talents are being squandered on something so simple, then think about how you’re getting paid to do something that’s really f*cking easy.
But if your problem is that you’re getting middle-manned and only getting a fraction of what someone else is making off your time, then cut them out. F*ck’em. If you think you really don’t need them, then think of way that you can remove them from the picture.
And if you can’t think of a way to do that, then shut the f*ck up. This is life, and at the end of the day, you’re getting over-paid to do something that you’re over-qualified to do, and if someone is over-charging someone else even more to have you do it, then who cares? Because you’re still getting a disproportionately large piece of the pie.
Even if someone else is getting a bigger piece of the pie, you only got the serving you did because someone else hatched one helluva a scheme, and you should be grateful and humble that they cut you in on it. So make peace with it and come terms to it, because at the end of the day, you’re a little bit further ahead than you were before.