This is a preview of Bongo The Film, a documentary about Tanzanian street kids by Jay Grandin, Leah Nelson, and Danya Fast of Giant Ant Media. Apparently, “Bongo†is Swahili for street-smarts, and the makers blogged about the making of it from the moment they arrived in Tanzania. The blog posts and pictures alone tell a compelling story about how even poverty and destitution have a hard time killing dreams. It’s the kind of thing that most of us would never have the imagination to think up, nevermind the empathy to understand.
But the story isn’t over because Giant Ant isn’t done telling it. It takes money to produce movies, and Giant Ant is hoping to use social media generate enough interests that they can crowd-source producers. That is, they need $26, 460 to finish telling the story of Tanzanian street kids who have big dreams of making music and a better life for themselves. And in exchange for a donation, you get a film producer credit. How cool is that?
More information on how to donate here.