Almost a year ago, now, I got some new toys. A couple days later, I ran my mouth off about how armed and dangerous I was. Inspiration had left me starry eyed, nothing was going to stop me, and when Joseph Thornley asked me what it was all about at the first session of Third Tuesday Montreal, I refused to tell him. Six months later, I launched, the first phase.
Well, since then, the world kept on turning, life happened, and while phase one never really got off the ground, phase two fell flat on its face (and I don’t want to talk about it). But tonight, I’m working late, was poking around a hard drive, and found the last 2 FourQuestions clips that I edited but never uploaded. So here’s the last of them, and it’s called Claudio. And with that, I say adieu, farewell, and good riddance to aspirations gone awry…
His name is Claudio and I’ve known him for longer than I’d like to admit. He’s a bit of a ball-breaker…