Almost a month ago, now, Geoff Livingston (@GeoffLiving) was in town on holiday, Adele McAlear put together a lunchtime TweetUp in his honor. Geoff is a PR and social media guy who has a highly trafficked Blog, The Buzz Bin, is the owner of his own PR agency (which was acquired by CRT/Tanaka) and the author of Now Is Gone, a book on new media and public relations.
In any case, during lunch, I managed to pull him aside to ask him a few questions (and after lunch, Geoff met up with Mitch Joel to have a much more serious discussion during an episode of Six Pixels of Separation).
Chris – it was great that you could make it to lunch with us. It’s always good to see you and even more fun when you’ve got your camera in hand and questions at the ready :)