[caption id="attachment_1937" align="alignright" width="220" caption="Read or Download the "Social News Organizations" White Paper"][/caption] One of the most troubling things for me about watching newspapers go...
The Nouveau Media
[caption id="" align="alignright" width="197" caption="Credit: Niko Prencin"][/caption] For the most part, old money looks down on new money, and when old money uses the term...
Sex, Trust, & Transparency
I need your help. I pitched a session for Podcamp Montreal 2009, and now I have speakers' block. With only a few days ago, I'm...
A Week Offline
[caption id="" align="alignright" width="240" caption="Credit: CT Moore"][/caption] A little while back, Nicholas Carr wrote "Mass media reaches its natural end-state when we broadcast our lives...
Meet Geoff Livingston
Almost a month ago, now, Geoff Livingston (@GeoffLiving) was in town on holiday, Adele McAlear put together a lunchtime TweetUp in his honor. Geoff is...