The McGill School of Continuing Studies has started offering a new certificate program in Digital Content and Community Management, and friend and colleague Michelle Sullivan is...
HipMojo Episode 3 – comScore/YouTube Deal & HP Exits PC Market
This is the third instalment of the new video show format that Ashkan and I have been experimenting with. In this episode we discuss: the...
Are You Rock n’ Roll?
[caption id="" align="alignright" width="216" caption="Credit: Eva Blue"][/caption] C'mon, you've heard about them before. The social media rock stars. Who are they? What do they do?...
Tribe, Trusted, and True
[caption id="" align="alignright" width="240" caption="Credit: Christopher M. Dawson"][/caption] The annual Edelman Trust Barometer is out, and tech journalist Tom Foreski did some digging into the...
Community Space
[caption id="" align="alignright" width="240" caption="Credit: Aniara Trast"][/caption] Let me tell you a story: Recently, a friend of mine told me how he needed help moving...