A little while ago, Eric Herbert was a guest blogger over at Marketing Pilgrim and he wrote about 5 Ways Jesus Would Promote Himself in the 21st Century. It was a great piece of linkbait that focused exclusively on online marketing techniques. One of the tactics that Eric foresees the Messiah employing is viral video.
Well this is a video on how a Modern Jesus would live his life. It’s from a young film maker who, himself, obviously has an intuitive grasp of online viral marketing. It won’t be long before the view on a video like this grows. When it does, even if it does not directly lead to a professional opportunity, being able to claim it as his own creation will definitely enhance the creator’s credibility when networking in the future.
This, here, is a just one example of the potential of social media and viral content. They are both extremely powerful tools when it comes to personal branding. If, indeed, it’s not what you know, but who you know, then it stands to reason that it’s also not what you know, but who knows you. Personal branding, then, is becoming an evermore important part of success if only because social media has made it that much more possible to accomplish. After all, if your reputation precedes you, then half of the introduction process to countless other people is already complete.
Video via American Apparel Blog.
One little clarification: that particular post was an entry in the Search Engine Marketing Scholarship Contest. It actually wasn’t talking about Jesus using technology in a second coming, but more of a “What if Jesus’ first ministry happened in the 21st century instead of the 1st?” With that take in mind, it was a well done entry.
Jordan, thanks for the clarification on the how the Jesus post was a contest entry. I didn’t realize, though, that I gave the impression that it either was about a second coming or had any shortcomings.
Religious leaders, political leaders, fashion designers and other artists have long capitalized on their Personal Brands. And now more and more lawyers, accountants, financial planners, real estate, and health advisors (my clients) are doing so.
It’s great to see the democratization of owning our own reputations. The proliferation of the World Wide Web software and gadgets like the digital video & audio recorders have made personal branded-products a growing trend.
WWJD? (After scolding those who use his name in ironically violent applications?) He’d then encourage his disciples to leverage their personal brands… cuz that’s the kinda awesome guy he is ;) A mark of a true leader is a maestro — one who leads leaders to lead greater.
There’s another viral video going around… proclaiming the future of social media taking over the way we live… click to view it on my PersonalBrandMarketing podBlog.
That’s a great point about how personal branding isn’t actually something new, but that the interwebs have simply democratized its accessibility.
I’ve actually seen that video before, and even posted it previously. It’s has a really interesting touch to it, though. I think that the Italian accent, moreover, adds a really interesting touch to how it’s branded. Interestingly enough, using ethnicity to brand is also something that I’ve touched upon before.