I don't know who this guy is. A coworker sent me the link. But I think we can all learn something from him: you're never...
WOM Haiku 2
The voice of trust says a product is good or bad. We all hear a truth.
And the winner is…
Update: The Akoha cards go to Meg from Finland because (1) she told a bad joke, and (2) bad jokes are the dirtiest jokes. So...
Monty Python Gets It
Whatever "it" is, Monty Python seems to have it by the short hairs. I came across this on Johnnie Moore's blog (who found it on...
Akoha VIP Starter Deck Christmas Giveaway
[caption id="" align="alignright" width="180" caption="Photo scraped form musigny's Flickr account."][/caption] Update: If you win this VIP Starter Deck, of course you also get a BETA...