I caught up with Austin Hill, one of the founders of Akoha, at the last Podcamp Montreal. We sat down to chat, and Austin told...
Loren Feldman: Schmuck, Genius, Mensch
Okay, so some of you know who he is, some of you don't, and a lot more of you (few of which are reading this,...
Podcamp Montreal Montage
So last weekend marked the first ever Podcamp Montreal. It was f**king awesome, and attracted the likes of Wanker Girl, Eden Spodek, Laurent Lasalle, and...
Michelle Sullivan is Podcamp Montreal
So at last week's (first ever), I found out that Michelle Sullivan not only played a role in organizing Podcamp Montreal, but a kind of...
Product Placement Paradox
I came across this in the archives of Chris Brogan's blog. Even though I share Lynch's frustration, I feel that product placement is kind of...