I’ve been writing for a relatively long time. Like, close-to-15-years-a-long-time. First for student papers, then for print magazines, and since then for countless blogs and...
Why Newspapers Need Tech VC
The transition from mere a newspaper to full-blown social news organizations (SNO) requires a significant investement in technological infrastructre. That's not an easy bullet to...
NYT Pushes Symbiotic Editorial
[caption id="" align="alignright" width="239" caption="Credit: Gina Argentina"][/caption] Considering how the New York Times is coping with the the plight of the publishing industry and news...
Symbiotic Editorial
[caption id="" align="alignright" width="240" caption="Credit: OliverAlex"][/caption]Symbiotic editorial is kind of like when you treat your content like a public park rather than a walled garden....