Credit: CT Moore
Credit: CT Moore

A little while back, Nicholas Carr wrote “Mass media reaches its natural end-state when we broadcast our lives rather than live them.”

But what happens when we have nothing left that really worth broadcast? What happens when we’ve been broadcasting our lives for so long, that we haven’t lived anything worth broadcasting?

I’ve spent the last week unplugged, living life rather than being a spectacle. I’ve spent it with real people, doing real things, and living in real space rather than realtime. And despite all my adventures and follies, the only thing I have to broadcast about it is that I don’t really have anything to broadcast.

What does it mean when you can slip away from a world so briefly, forget it so quickly, and then have such a hard time relating to it again?

About CT Moore

Hi, I'm CT Moore (@<a href="">gypsybandito</a>) and this is my personal blog, a place where my thoughts go to wander. I'm a recovering agency hack who now manages <a href="">SEO</a>, <a href="">social media</a>, and <a href="">content marketing</a> campaigns through my consultancy <a href="">Socialed Inc</a>. Sometimes I speak at conferences, too, but you can check me out on <a href="">LinkedIn</a> if you really wanna know <i>that</i> much more about me. And if you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment or drop me a line. I love it when strangers come a callin' ;-)

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